New Zealand (NZ) Deck Design - ROBO Deck Designer
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Deck design plans NZ

Editing a drawing using ROBO Deck Designer

Editing a drawing is a breeze using ROBO Deck Designer. You need to go to the homepage and login using your drawing reference no. and your password. If you have lost your drawing reference no. or password please click on the link.

Once you have logged in there is a link to go to the last page you have visited.

If you have previously completed a drawing, it is possible to edit part of the drawing by clicking on the link of the appropriate section. When this is complete you can then print off the drawing again. For the following example the length can be easily modified

To edit the length of a drawing:

  • 1 Please enter your login details.
  • 2 Please click on the correct section, in this example we will choose "Category of Deck, Shape, Size and Height".
  • 3 As we are not changing the category, shape or variations we click on the "Next" button for the next 4 webpages.
  • 4 With the "Overall Size of Deck" we can change the sizes here.
  • 5 As the height is not changing we can click "Next" here.
  • 6 As this editing section is finished, the user is redirected back to the editing menu webpage.
  • 7 To print the drawing off, please click on the "Finish Editing and Print Drawing".

    Please Note

    The ROBO Deck Designer is constantly improved on a regular basis. Therefore the images shown on this webpage may be outdated.

Login Details
Login Details
Step 1 - 1st Category of Deck
Step 2 - 2nd Category of Deck
Step 3 - Shape of Deck
Step 4 - Deck Variations
Step 5 - Overall Size of Deck
Step 6 - Overall Height of Deck
Login Details

Disclaimer: Whilst this website contains a lot of information on the design of decks which has been produced with the highest level of professional care, ROBO Deck Designer, ROBO Design Solutions or Paul Roberts (the developer of this website) does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the information on this website. This website is intended as a guide only, please refer to the New Zealand building code for the appropriate regulations.

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